Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just Cuz I Like to Keep Things Real

I remember it was not so long ago that I'd gather with girlfriends and our conversions would encompass the mundane, yet the oh so important, topics of kids, fashion, decorating, recipe exchanges, and the latest workout fad at the gym. 
Actually, these topics are still part of our repetoire. 
However, they take a back seat to something that is far more at the forefront of our minds these days. 
Aging and menopause. 
Yes, we still talk about kids (and the prospect of grandkids, now) and all those other subjects
but now hot flashes and botox dominate our conversations. 
(No, I have not done botox.....yet!)

The reason I bring all this up is because I can't help but chuckle at the subject of our most recent conversation. 
The subject was......chin hairs.
Yes, chin hairs.
How utterly pathetic we have become! 
We talked about finding long chin hairs and short chin hairs.
And the absolute horror of a significant other finding said long chin hair. 
About how different chin hairs feel and look. 
We also talked about how we are constantly feeling our chins.
Feeling them to make sure we can find those hairs.
And eliminate them immediately.

Now, I know, you're thinking that this is an odd conversation.
But you'll never know how liberating it was for me to hear that other women suffered from my agony. 
For me, these little demons started making their appearance shortly after I turned 40. 
I discovered this new phenomena when I found the dreaded long hair. 
After that, I was constantly on a mission.....
To rid myself of all chin hairs so they don't have a chance to become chest hair. 
And I have been downright obsessive about this. 
From the first feeling of an araent hair poking through the dominating thought on my mind is
finding a pair of tweezers. 
And I can't get it out of my mind until I find those damn tweezers!!!!
I become fixated. 
So much so that on a trip to Vegas I paid an obnoxious sum of money
 for a pair of tweezers in the hotel gift shop. 
Don't judge....they are really good tweezers!
Yes I still have them. 

And my obsession has risen to new heights. 
For on a trip to Vegas this past summer, 
(Yes, we spend a lot of time there)
I discovered something revolutionary.  
Well, I'm sure it is not revolutionary to most women. 
But to me, the person who has never spent more than five minutes applying make-up,
it was totally new. 
May I present

I honestly do not know how I lived without one of these for the past ten years! 
This baby went right up to the top of my Christmas wish list. 

I know....I know....I live a sheltered life. 
I've already been told this. 
I mean, really, what chick doesn't already have one of these. 
I just never felt the need for one. 
That is, until the invasion of the chin hairs.
Now I'm ready to declare all out war,
with my soon to be new weapon. 

Those little buggies should be really scared.....

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pardon My Dust

When I was a kid, we lived in this very small apartment in Southern California. 
I'm pretty sure that the apartment could fit in my present family room and kitchen. 
Not that I live in a large house; the apartment was just that small. 
And although the apartment was very small, my mother always found innovative ways to rearrange the furniture.
To me, it seemed as though she moved that furniture around every month. 
I'm sure it was not that often but it sure seemed it was THAT often.  I think she tired easily of the same arrangement.....which explains where I got my adult ADHD from. 
No, I do not move my furniture every month.  My furniture is pretty much where I dropped it down when we moved into this house eight years ago. 
No, I do not move furniture but I do seem to get easily bored with my blog page....
As you may have already noticed. 
I guess I have a little blog schizophrenia (hopefully I spelled that right!). 
Trying to jazz up the ole blog page although I have very little tech savvy.  HUMPH! 
So, needless to say....I'm still messing with it, so bear with me ;-)   

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tweet Tweet

Well I went and did it. 
What I said I would never do...
What is that, you say? 
I started a Twitter account. 

Well, actually, I would be lying if I said that I just started the account. 
I opened the account, oh, about five years ago. 
Back when Twitter was in it's infantile stages.
When all the uber-cool bloggers were raving about this new social networking thing. 
So, I opened an account. 
Because I too wanted to be uber-cool. 
And then I did nothing with it. 
Because I just did not get it. 
Does everyone really need to know what I'm doing every minute of the day?????
And does anyone care????
Probably not. 

What changed?
Nothing really. 
I'm pretty sure no one cares about what I have to say. 
But I do enjoying what other people have to say. 
So I have become a stalker.
A Twitter stalker....hee. hee. 
Does that sound creepy enough? 
Oh, trust me, my sarcastic nature makes me want to post. 
To post what I am going every five minutes. 
Just to screw with the whole system. 
I think it would look something like this....

"Just got up, brushed my teeth, and went to the bathroom"
"My honey brought me coffee in bed"
"Crocheting and watching the TODAY show." 
"Matt Lauer is a doofus"
"Just finished two rounds on granny square blanket."
"Changed colors.  Next round." 
"Fed dogs."
"Brad Pitt is a knucklehead." get my drift...
Anyways, I decided that this would not be a good idea for two reasons. 
I would need a smart phone to tweet from some of those inopportune places I might find myself in. 
And I only have two followers. 
Some person I have never ever heard of....and my daughter. 
I don't think my daughter would appreciate hearing EVERYTHING I do in a day. 
I think there are things she wouldn't ever want to know....

So, for now, I will just be the Twitter stalker.  ;-)

Friday, September 23, 2011


Yes.  It is a lonely number.
But today it has a whole different meaning.
Well, at least it does here. 
To all the baseball fanatics here in AZ. 
Today it is a magical number. 
Why you ask? 

Because with one more win.....
My beloved D-Backs head back to the playoffs

Arizona Diamondbacks

Can I get a WOO-HOO?!?!?!? 

And maybe.....just maybe....
There will be a repeat of this scene from 10 years ago. 

A girl can dream......

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Scrappy Granny

If any other crocheters/knitters are like me (and I'm sure they are) they have a ton of scrap yarn around. 
I have lots of little balls of yarn that look like this. 

And since I also have the added little joy of being just slightly ADHD. 
Meaning I have lots of little balls of the same color because when I come to the end of a skein,
I go right to a brand new one rather than looking to see if I have some excess scraps of the same color. 
I know.....wasteful.  I'm hanging my head in shame.....

Well the good news is that this basket of balls used to be double in volume because I took some of those balls and came up when this beauty. 

Yes.....I had A LOT of scraps. 
I will admit though that the cream color yarn was not from my scrap pile. 
I do seem to go through that color quite easily.

Although I find myself very attached to this newly squared pile of scraps...
I already have a home in mind for this one. 
To someone whom I'm sure will give it a good home....

TTFN all!
And thanks for stopping in. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Last night during Monday night football this commerical caught my attention.

I guess it has been around for a few months but this is the first time I've seen it.
(Maybe I should watch more sports.....)
Anyways, it really caught my eye because it is one of those that makes you think.
It makes you think about looking at the world around you.
Well at least it made me.
Not that I don't look around and find the beauty in the small moments.
But sometimes you need a reminder.
And then I go back to the recesses of my mind
To remember all the amazing things.
And when I do this I see the world in more brilliant hues.

Of course I tried to think of the most amazing thing as the commerical asks.
I cannot think of just one......there are so many!!
How 'bout you? Can you think of just one amazing thing you've seen?
I challenge you to think of just one.
Betcha can't! :-)

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a brilliant Tuesday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday Football

This is how our family enjoys Sunday football
when we are all together. 
(which is rare anymore)

With lots of nice unhealthy food. 
Some drink. 
A lot of talking.
Though no trash talking even though we all root for different teams.

Just a good, fun day. 
I wish we had more of these. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I spent a good amount of time this morning debating....with myself.
Debating whether to post anything on this day. 
I just don't know what words I could use that could properly encapsulate the feelings I felt on one horrible day. 
One horrible day exactly ten years ago. 
Or how any of us felt. 
So I decided to borrow some words....from Katherine Lee Bates.
This is my favorite verse of America the Beautiful. 
Because it says so much about that day and all the days since. 

"Oh beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their county loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello September!

I know. I know.   We're actually eight days in.
But in these parts, it doesn't feel like September at all. 
The average temperature since the beginning of September???? 
Can you say 110 degrees????  Yuck!!!
Not a climate that makes you want to drink Pumpkin Lattes or wear dark colors. 
Yeah, that whole 'no white after Labor Day' stuff....Nope! Not in Arizona!
It's still shorts and flip flop weather here...
That is....if you care to venture outside. 
Me?  I'll think I'll hibernate indoors and do some crochet. 

Well....if this guy surrenders my project and allows me to finish it ;-)

Hope everyone has a fabulous Thursday!!   Thanks for stopping by. 

Oh!  I almost forgot...the first game of the NFL season...Maybe this will get me in the FALL mood. 
Go Packers!!