Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Week and (A Half).....In Photo Review

This made me happy.......

One of my co-workers sent me this very..ahem....
enticing birthday greeting.
I wonder how they got Patrick to put this together for me

This made me sad.......

Last Monday was the last day for this place.
A sign of the bad times.
No more "Mary Margaritas".
I spent many a happy birthday at this place.
I know....it's a chain....but I frequent places
more for the people (and right now low prices!)

These were yummy........

I made some of these for a friend's fundraiser

And I bought these......

Right now I am on sugar overload!
And the last thing.......
A really cool birthday present.....

My coworker and I have been hooked on Nie
Everyday we check for the latest post.
And one of the things we both love
are the silhouettes she has made.
Deb loved them so much she made me one
for my birthday.
Really would have loved to have my double chin
photoshopped and I really wish I had a longer neck.
Otherwise I absolutely love it!!
Pretty crappy photo though doesn't do it justice.
Remembered to turn off the flash....
Forgot to turn off the light in the room (DUH!).
And that is my week (and a half) in a nutshell!!
Got lots of crocheting and scrapbooking done.
Those will be my next photos.
Good night for now....
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Wishful Thinking.....

So I have a birthday coming up and my husband asks the obligatory....

"What do you want for your birthday?"

My inside voice is saying..."ooo....a Canon Power Shot SD 880 would be nice :)"

But my outside voice says......

I don't need anything we really don't have the money.

The reply to that...."How 'bout a Starbucks Card?"

"Perfect!!" I say.

A Starbucks Card can take my mind away from anything.

Well....almost anything!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wear Suncreen

According to a famously uttered ode repeated
again and again at graduations everywhere....
this is the best piece of advice there is.
The ode begins and ends with the phrase
"Wear Sunscreen" while in between there is
a speckling of uncertain advice about all the
highs and lows of life.

The only certain advice.....
The one that has been proven time and again.....
"Wear Sunscreen"

This week if I were to give a random piece of
advice to anyone it would be exactly these words....
"Wear Sunscreen"

Our family has recently learned
just how important this advice is.
I believe everything will be fine
but it is a scary thing.

So as I sign off I'll say it again
For Pete's sake.....WEAR SUNSCREEN!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Treasures Found

A couple of weeks ago I was on one of my massive cleaning
binges. When I do this I always find something I thought
was long gone....something I had kissed goodbye long ago.
It is always a treat when I unmask these treasures.

This time the treasure was this......these really cute magenta
colored reading glasses. I purchased them on a whim.
Well actually, I was somewhere that I desperately needed
reading glasses.
So I ran to a Walgreens next door....and came away with
my soon to be favorite reading glasses.
Then I lost them. I thought I left them somewhere at a restaurant
or something. And that someone else, who would not appreciate
them as much, got their hands on them.
But I found them....hidden away in an old purse.
So glad I had them all along.

Of course I had to get a picture donning these
fabulous specs. Hmmm.....but as I look at the picture
I realize I in desperate need of a haircut :0!

Well off to work I go.
Happy Tuesday!!!!

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Whirlwind Weekend

It was just one of those weekends....So full that I blinked and it was gone!!
As much as I like being busy I really don't like busy weekends. They just go too fast.
And this weekend ended on a low note. Unfortunately, our team did not win the big game :(
But it was a good game....and very exciting at the end.
For two minutes and 10 seconds I thought they were going to pull it off.
But....oh well....what can you do.
My son came over to watch the game with us.
Which was very cool.
That he came over to watch the game with his loser parents (who couldn't score a party invite) when he could have gone to a party instead. It was nice to spend time with him. Even though he is just like his mother....he gets a little nervous watching when the going gets rough.

Well that's all for now.

Happy Monday!!!