Monday, April 13, 2009

R.I.P. Bird

Every now and then a news story breaks that instantly takes me back to happy memories of simple times. Unfortunately the news is usually not good. Today is one such day. As I was watching the Cubs doing a pretty good job handling the Rockies on a very damp Chicago day, the announcers brought sad news that instantly brought to mind the All Star game, 1976, Philadelphia.

There, on the mound for the American League, was this gangly looking character who was extremely colorful in his preparation for each pitch. They called him the Bird. He even posed on the cover of Sports Illustrated the the Big Bird himself!!

I remember being so taken with his was much of the country. How he would walk around the mound talking to himself would just make me chuckle. I thought he made a somewhat boring game to me at the time so interesting and so entertaining. I'm sure that people who never watched baseball tuned in just to see him.

Well today brought news of his passing. An accident they say. While he was working on his truck. He was only 54.

And with the news, the memories of one of the main characters when the game of baseball captured the heart of this girl.

Rest in Peace Bird......

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

The other day I was driving home and saw the following saying on a billboard in front of a church.


I chuckled and wished I had a camera ready to take a picture. The saying is so true though. It really is like spring training. Those six weeks of preparation before Easter are sometimes the toughest time of the year. I struggle to stay away from all those things I love most and right now I am exercising unbelievable restraint in keeping myself from wanting to soak in a big tub of chocolate even though I now can.

When I think of the sacrifice made by Christ....I know that giving up chocolate, lattes, and wine pale in comparison. And it was all worth the sacrifice come Easter morning in celebrating the resurrection of the Savior.

Not if you'll excuse me....I'm going to go sink my mouth into a lovely See's scotchmallow egg. YUM!

Happy Easter!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


This is a number that has been on my mind for the past few days. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first reason came about on Thursday morning as I was listening to the news. Early Thursday morning a 22 year old pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels was killed in a hit and run collision. Only hours earlier, Nick Adenhart was the starting pitcher in a game against the Oakland A's. He pitched six innings giving up no runs.

My first thoughts were of how devastating a loss to his family and teammates. As a baseball fan, I also thought of what could have been. This young man was probably on top of the world at that very moment realizing the fulfillment of a dream when it was all taken away. As a mother, I thought of my own son, only two months younger that Nick Adenhart.

Which brings me to the other reason that the number 22 has been so prevalent in my mind.

On Thursday night, my son came over to the house. It was just the two of us and we engaged in a conversation about our individual life philosophies. This should make anyone chuckle who remembers a brooding teenager who responded to questions with grunts. Now, well....he's a bit of a chatterbox and I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyways, our conversation wasn't one of those deep conversations. It was just pretty matter-a-fact. But he did surprise me with one comment. If my recollection serves me right, the comment went like this "My generation is made up of a bunch of pansies". Huh??? I asked him to elaborate and he told me that many (not all) of the kids from his generation did not have a whole lot of strength to deal with the things life throws their way. And they don't like it when they don't get their way.

I think I was thunderstuck. Wow!!! My husband's response when I told him of this was "So he was listening to me all along."

I know it is more popular at this time to believe that if we have just positive thoughts the world with be wonderful. My thought is that life is full of ups and downs, magnificent highs and unsettling lows, and triumphs and tragedies. And we have to approach both with the same vigor.

At the tender age of 22, my son has figured out (and accepted) that sometimes life is not fair.

If it was, Nick Adenhart would be pitching next Wednesday against the Mariners.